A path to better workplace mental health

How has the workplace mental health landscape evolved and what are employers’ options moving forward?

Headshot of Vanessa Cook

Vanessa Cook

June 2023

Key takeaways

  • A December 2022 Gallup poll shows a mere 31% of Americans rating their mental health as "excellent" — the lowest percentage in over 20 years. And in 2021, not even one-third of the U.S. population was living in an area with a sufficient supply of mental health professionals to meet the exigent local demand (source: KFF).
  • With depression alone costing the U.S. economy over $210 billion each year from lost productivity and absences (source: Center for Workplace Mental Health), employers are looking to make progress in their mental health offerings — especially as today's employees continue to re-evaluate and re-define their relationship with work.
  • According to Gartner's 2021 EVP Benchmarking Survey, while 87% of employees have mental and emotional well-being offerings available to them, just 23% actually use them. Bank of America's recent Workplace Mental Health report aims to illustrate today's mental health landscape and provide ideas and strategies for organizations to consider when building a more sustainable workplace for the future.

Read our full analysis for a more in-depth look at these trends.